Saturday, November 8, 2008

Choosing Officials Gear

There are many items you may need when choosing officials gear. This blog will list several, and explain what they are and why they are important.

The first piece of equipment is a dual rotation locator. This allows you, the official, to simultaneously track rotation of two teams. Track your players, substitutions, and timeouts quickly and easily.

The next useful item is the linesman flag. You will need more than one of these, but they are very affordable. You can buy them in sets, or even purchase kits if this is more convenient. The kits can include carrying cases, which allow you to carry and organize them easily.

The net setter is the next important item. It measures the correct height of the volleyball net, and enables you to change the height quickly and easily when necessary.

You can also purchase kits that include linesman flags, penalty cards, and a whistle with a lanyard. Depending on the items you need to purchase, the kit may be a great way to organize some, if not all of your necessary items. Keep the kit intact and the other items in carrying cases so they are available when you need them. Purchase an array of products as needed, and take advantage of the great prices you will receive. The gear mentioned in this blog is just a sample of what you will find.

Whether you are a first time official or a veteran, you will find the right equipment sure to
fit any need. You can find all your officials gear right here at Volleyball Pro Shop:

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