Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! Did Santa bring you everything you wanted this year? More importantly, were you ready for the holiday swing or did you realize halfway through the day that you'd forgotten a present for Aunt Ruth-or her volleyball playing cousin from Deluth that just happened to fly in for the day? There's nothing more awkward than finding yourself promising to pick up a gift after Christmas because someone got forgotten, unless it's not having a clue what to buy next year!

Whether you're looking for a belated Christmas gift, taking notes for next year or snooping through this season's hottest sales for birthday ideas, here are some great gift suggestions for the volleyball player in your life:

1) A ball. If you're an athlete yourself you know how quickly and easily favorite practice balls wear out. If you're not an athlete-take my word for it. Most sporting goods stores carry high quality volleyballs, and numerous stores online carry fun, quirky balls if you simply can't stand the idea of "buying a boring old volleyball for Christmas".

2) Warm-ups. This can be tricky if you're shopping for someone you don't know well, and if you don't have a clue what size they wear it's usually prudent to pick a well known retailer and purchase a gift card. If you know what size you need, however, warm-up suits and tops are a great addition to the wardrobe of any volleyball player.

3) Videos. Whether you're talking about the Olympics or a training video, videos featuring their favorite sport make a great gift for volleyball fanatics.

4) Novelties. Volleyball players love to show off their favorite sport, and they'll have a great time displaying their volleyball-themed tee-shirts, jackets, hoodies, keychains, notebooks and other paraphernalia.

If you're looking for a way to bring a smile to the volleyball fan in your life, there's nothing like a gift that features their favorite sport. Come check out our collection of volleyball equipment and novelties at We might have exactly what you've been looking for-and if we don't, you're bound to get some great ideas!

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