Saturday, January 17, 2009

Guidelines for Buying Volleyball Shoes

If you happen to be a shoe connoisseur, it comes as no surprise to you that the process of buying good, sturdy and yes, comfortable volleyball shoes is a bit more difficult than walking down to your neighborhood Wal-Mart. A good pair of volleyball shoes is vital to your success on the court, however, saving the pain and discomfort of blisters, fallen arches, twisted ankles and long term wear on the knees and hips.

Remember, when you're jumping up for that ball it's up to your feet to take 100% of the impact when you drop back down. You want to make sure they have the equipment they need to do their job, just like you should make sure you have the equipment you need to do yours.

So how do you find a great pair of shoes? The first thing you need to know is what type of shoes you're looking for. An ordinary pair of canvas sneakers aren't going to cut it when you're running and diving around on the court. Everyone has their favorites when it comes to athletic shoes. Personally, I recommend a good pair of cross-trainers. Cross-trainers are designed to offer extra support to the feet and ankles under high impact, and they're the type of shoes preferred by most long distance runners for their comfort and traction.

Mizuno produces a large selection of cross-trainers designed especially to be worn as volleyball shoes to give the player a little extra "spring".

Cross trainers are more expensive than regular sneakers, but they're well worth the investment in the long run. A good pair of cross trainers should provide plenty of support along the arch of your foot so you won't be left flat-footed but be "cushy" enough that you'll be comfortable in them for long periods of time. Use the same sizing guidelines you would use when buying regular shoes; not too tight, not too loose. The name of the game is comfort and support.

A good pair of volleyball shoes is the most vital piece of game or practice gear a player can have. Come check out our extensive collection of cross-trainers geared toward the court at

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