Do you know what the number one code among most professionals is? Don't ever make your passion your job. Far too often men and women try to transform their passion into an income making venture only to find out that when they're punching deadlines and counting pennies the activity they used to enjoy is suddenly nothing more than-well, a job!
Competitive volleyball can begin to feel that way, particularly if you're counting on launching a professional career (or hoping for a scholarship). It's easy to spend so much time perfecting your volleyball techniques and analyzing your competitions' moves that you forget why you started playing volleyball in the first place-the pure, simple love of the game. Whatever else it may be-passion, obsession, dream, ambition-volleyball is a game. And what is a game when it isn't any fun? It's work.
The question is, how can you avoid volleyball burnout? First and foremost, don't let volleyball devour your life. Spend time with friends. Go to the movies on Friday night rather than working out, and work out with friends whenever possible. Have hobbies to help fill your time so you don't find yourself devoting every minute of every day to your game. Even with a rigid training schedule it's possible to find a night out, and that's something you should take advantage of as often as possible.
Remember to vary your training, and just get silly out on the court every once in a while! One

day, rather than training in the gym, grab your teammates and spend a day out on the beach. Playing in the sand builds up a new set of muscles, and you'll have a blast chasing the ball out into the water! If there's no beach available, move the party into the backyard and invite your friends and family to play. No, it isn't going to be as intense, and you're going to have to bear witness to some frustrating (and often embarrassing!) mistakes, but it's going to be fun.
And if you really want to jazz the game up a little, try playing with something other than a volleyball! (Beach balls and children's outdoor balls are the first things that come to mind, but various fruits have been tried too! Be creative!)
Taking time away from your intense training and practice schedule to just kick back, relax and remember that you're a person first and a volleyball player second is the best way to avoid volleyball burnout.