Ordinary cotton gym shorts make nice practice apparel because they're loose and comfortable; however, when you need the flexibility to move quickly and with a greater range of movement the fabric's own natural form actually slows you down. It doesn't matter how comfortable your gym shorts are, there is only so far they're going to stretch. Spandex stretches and moves with your body, and unless you're wearing spandex shorts that are two sizes too small (which is a story for another day) your shorts are going to move with your legs wherever they want to go.
Spandex also has the added benefit of holding in heat while at the same time allowing your legs to breathe, which is why so many runners love spandex and spandex/lycra blends for running in the wintertime. Spandex shorts and "sweat"pants will keep your legs warm during chilly practices (especially if you're a beach player) without halting your range of movement, making them the perfect choice for a practice where perfection is the only acceptable goal.
Not all spandex has to be the hot pink, striped abominations we loved to hate twenty years ago! (Alth

Come check out our collection of spandex at http://www.volleyballproshop.com/.
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