You probably already know this, but I'm going to say it because it bears repeating-as many times as possible! If you've got a power server on your side you've got one of the most vital ingredients you need to walk away from that volleyball court a winner. The server influences the outcome of the game with every move they make. A single strong volleyball serve can annihilate the competition before they ever have the chance to give you a run for your money.
How do you put that maximum impact into your volleyball serve? Everyone has a style that works for them, and it's going to be up to you to discover ways to influence your preferred style of serve. That said, there are some basics to cleaning up on the court. If you're electing to do a basic top-spin serve, gather momentum by first stepping forward with the right foot, then the left. When your left foot hits the ground the ball should be directly over your head and your left arm extended to square off your shoulders. When it impacts the ball your hand should be open with fingers slightly extended, and in order to get a good top spin your wrist should pull forward and down.
Most importantly, keep your eyes on the ball! Volleyball is just like baseball in that respect-if you take your eyes off the ball, even for a moment, you're setting yourself up for failure. Yes, you'll probably still be able to get the ball over the net, but it's not going to have the impetus it needs to really make a difference.
Remember, your serve is one of the most valuable ingredients in your game-especially if you're playing with a partner rather than a team. Get enough punch behind your serve and you're setting your opponent up for defeat from the very beginning. Not enough, however, and you've already lost your advantage.
How do you put that maximum impact into your volleyball serve? Everyone has a style that works for them, and it's going to be up to you to discover ways to influence your preferred style of serve. That said, there are some basics to cleaning up on the court. If you're electing to do a basic top-spin serve, gather momentum by first stepping forward with the right foot, then the left. When your left foot hits the ground the ball should be directly over your head and your left arm extended to square off your shoulders. When it impacts the ball your hand should be open with fingers slightly extended, and in order to get a good top spin your wrist should pull forward and down.
Most importantly, keep your eyes on the ball! Volleyball is just like baseball in that respect-if you take your eyes off the ball, even for a moment, you're setting yourself up for failure. Yes, you'll probably still be able to get the ball over the net, but it's not going to have the impetus it needs to really make a difference.
Remember, your serve is one of the most valuable ingredients in your game-especially if you're playing with a partner rather than a team. Get enough punch behind your serve and you're setting your opponent up for defeat from the very beginning. Not enough, however, and you've already lost your advantage.
Come check out our huge collection of training resources at www.volleyballproshop.com.
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